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Hatch Warren Under Fives Preschool Redesign home page

Hatch Warren Under Fives Preschool

Contact Us

General Information

Emergency Closure

We have had the need to close one of the preschools in the past due to extreme weather. Should there be the necessity to close a group due to extreme weather conditions or a major illness outbreak (such as influenza, meningitis), we will give as much notice as possible. There are procedures in place to contact parents directly via email. There will also be announcements on the website, Hampshire County Council website for school closures and local radio stations. It is therefore very important to keep the preschool up-to-date with contact information for you and your child.


Parent Help

To help keep the adult to child ratio low, we encourage parents to become involved in the preschool and help during sessions on a voluntary basis. This not only helps the parents to understand what happens at preschool, but also gives their children an opportunity to see their parents in a new role. Please feel free to help out within our setting at any time. As a helper you would never be left alone with any children. Please note, younger siblings are also welcome but you will be responsible for them.



Hatch Warren Under Fives is a member of the Preschool Learning Alliance and Children’s Links and as such encourages its staff to attend training courses that can further their development and contribution within the group. The Preschool Learning Alliance, Social Services or the Local Education Authority provides these courses. Local meetings and conferences offer informal training areas. For parents interested in childcare training courses, please speak to the Head of Preschool.


Key Carer

Within the preschool every child is allocated a Key Carer. The Key Carer is there to help develop the child’s individual needs around the group’s curriculum. The Key Carer will also build a relationship with that child and their parents ensuring the child is supported to their full potential. Meetings with parents are held regularly so that parents can see how their child is progressing. Parents are encouraged to talk to their child’s Key Carer if they feel there is a problem.


Absenteeism – Holidays

Please would you complete a holiday form prior to going on holiday, so that we know and can accurately record in the Register why your child is absent.


Absenteeism – Illness

In the event of illness, please call the preschool and let us know that your child is ill. We do need to know as some illnesses are notified to parents, e.g. chicken pox, mumps, German measles, measles and meningitis. It is also within our policies that no child may attend preschool if they have had sickness or diarrhoea within the previous 48 hours or if your child needs Calpol or any other such medicine before they come to preschool. Nits are unfortunately a common hazard of preschool life due to the close proximity of the children to each other. Should you child get a case of nits, please let the preschool know.



Fundraising is an integral part of the preschool and all proceeds go towards the replacement and purchasing of new equipment and facilities for the children. Fundraising can be done through many ways and not always is it monetary. Here at the group we also collect many different tokens, vouchers, etc. that we can use to purchase equipment for the preschool.



A newsletter is produced every half term to keep parents informed of forthcoming themes, preschool closure dates, fundraising activities, staff changes, etc. Up-to-date information can also be found on our Notice Board. It is important that you read the newsletter because you don’t want to miss out. Where possible we would like to send the newsletter by email, so it is important you keep us up-to-date with an accurate email address.


Government Funding

The preschool is registered under the Early Years Development Plan for Hampshire County Council for funding for all eligible 3 and 4 years olds. We are now (with effect of November 2013) registered for funding for all eligible 2 year olds. Please phone to enquire or send us an email.


First Days at Pre-School

We want all children to feel safe and happy in the absence of their parents. Parents are encouraged to bring their child along to preschool prior to their admission to see the group in action. Staff will always be available to help your child to settle in quickly and smoothly with as little upset as possible (included in Policies).


What to Wear

Because of the nature of preschool, children should feel free to be able to explore different avenues of play and craft, which will involve messy substances like glue, paint and play dough. It is therefore advisable that children wear clothes and shoes that are easily washable, not too new and practical for moving around in.


Although not compulsory, we do have a preschool uniform available to purchase which includes sweatshirts, cardigans and polo shirts with the Hatch Warren Under Fives logo.


Children try to become independent at an early age and this is actively encouraged. The main aspects of this independence at preschool are using the toilet and outdoor play. Children will therefore need to have clothing that is easily manageable by them, thus decreasing their dependence upon other people for help – dungarees, belts and braces do not encourage independence!



For those children who stay for lunch, you must provide a packed lunch. It should include an ice pack, a drink (not fizzy) and food they can, as independently as possible, open and manage themselves. Any grapes must be cut sideways. NO NUTS OR EGGS of any sort due to allergies – this includes peanut butter and Nutella chocolate spread.


Collection of your Child

Please advise a member of staff, as soon as practicable, if you are unable to personally collect your child at the end of a session. We will take a note of the person due to collect your child to ensure that he/she is only taken home by a nominated person. This must be done for each separate occasion that you are unable to get to preschool. Please also make preschool staff aware if another person, i.e. grandparent, childminder or friend will be collecting your child on a regular basis.